Ethereum and Litecoin

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Since Slope Of Hope has been around longer than just about any financial blog in existence, there’s a deeply-rooted culture here. There are a lot of inside jokes and running gags, and for the longest time, I assumed the mention of “Ethereum” was one of them. Just goes to show how out of it I am, because Ethereum is, in fact, one of the hot virtual currencies out there, and I took it upon myself to add it to SlopeCharts, which is getting better by the day.

You can now punch in $ETH for Ethereum……..


And, besides already being able to enter $BIT for Bitcoin, you can even type $LTC for LiteCoin:


Yes, it’s just another offering from your go-to resource for all things related to technical analysis, goofy pictures, MST3K, and Norm Macdonald. Slope. Live it. Be it. Do it.