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Walgreens looking very ill after rumors amazon will be coming to dominate pharmacies in the coming years. IMHO most doctors will be working for Amazon Health by 2030


Mr. WizardMr. Wizard
And buying their malpractice insurance from Amazon too. 10/10/17
The DirectorThe Director
Will be the only game in town. Actually there is a lot of good Amazon (or whoever ) would do if brought in evidence based data and economic cost cutting efforts 10/10/17
Mr. WizardMr. Wizard
Any idea what % of prescriptions are filled by mail order now? I haven't gotten a prescription from a retail pharmacy in many years, that's my health insurer's policy. 10/10/17
The DirectorThe Director
Just a ballpark but maybe 10-20%? Probably the future. 10/11/17