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20170613_trump_0.jpg (685×319)

A Record 60% Of Americans Disapprove Of President Trump


Gosh I can't imagine why? Today he said he was most effective POTUS so far other than FDR. 6/13/17
from the company that gave HILLDOG a 15 point lead, up until the last day----CLASSIC FAKE NEWS! 6/13/17
Doktor MartingaleDoktor Martingale
What percentage of Americans disapprove of other Americans? 100%? 6/14/17
Have to agree with zstock. I'll never again take pollsters seriously. 6/14/17
This is the same 60% that voted for Hillary 6/14/17
Pipe&Snipes takeitallnightPipe&Snipes takeitallnight
That's incredible. Only 90% of Americans disapprove of Congress, and from the actions earlier this morning, one American really hated Congress. 6/14/17