Browse Stacks: Other: [OC] IQ and Gender per field

[OC] IQ and Gender per field

IQ and work


Social worker is at the bottom of the list...wasn't Obimbo a social worker? 
Richard CraniumRichard Cranium
Gotta give credit where credit is due - I doubt a turkey could do this: 
[Faced with the specter of a terrorist threat from rogue drones, the French are recruiting an avian ally. At a base in the southwest of the country, a special army unit has for months been training four golden eagles to spot drones and perform mid-air takedowns.] france/?xid=soc_socialflow_twitter_FORTUNE 3/6/17
SJWs have alot of work to do... 
But if we simply making the only degree a social worker, then we all will be equal. 3/6/17
Bald Eagles taking down drones 3/6/17
The DirectorThe Director
The smartest most egalitarian profession is mathematics... interesting 3/6/17