User: farragut

Member Since: 5/3/12


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Fantastic CNBC interview with Jim Grant, where he describes our current situation as being akin to the "Truman Show" (ie, we're in a world where nothing is as it se...
To Jim Grant The World Of Finance Is Nothing But The "Truman Sho...
Fantastic CNBC interview with Jim Grant, where he describes our current situation as being akin to the "Truman Sho...
How The Fed Quietly Bought 1,150 S&P Points | ZeroHedge
How The Fed Quietly Bought 1,150 S&P Points | ZeroHedge
Desperation, charade, misguided bailouts, fraud, our fearless leaders fucking us over, etc., ...
Screen shot 2012-02-07 at 9.27.39 PM
Screen shot 2012-02-07 at 9.27.39 PM
Avg attitude scores on social & economic issues among high, middle, and low-income Americans, looking separately a...
Inflation-adjusted SPX shows 3 previous 'secular' bear markets and a probable 4th which is underway. Shows the cyc...
Graph of Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: Purchasing Power of the Consumer Dollar
Graph of Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: Purchasin...
Purchasing power of the consumer dollar (USD) from St Louis FED (1910 - 2011).