Slope of Hope Blog Posts

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Ironically Quiet Morning Ahead

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I'm going to be uncharacteristically quiet this morning. This is one of those nice lunges that we all live for, and I'll be going through all my positions and tightening up my stops.

I will note that I've taken a few very large positions off the table – – my /ES short, my GLD short, and my FXP long (huzzah!!). I do think we may be at a very nice place to take some short-term profits all the table, but the market is finally starting to get shaken in a way that will give our bullish friends some pause.

In any case, this is a good time to carefully evaluate positions. I notice JNK has had a smashing shattering of its trendline, which is terrific. Anyway, I'm going to be quite busy, so tawk amongst yerselves