Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

20 Stocks That Are Breaking Down (By Ryan Mallory)

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What we have below is a handful of stocks that are showing signs of,
or already in the process of, breaking down as the smart money
appears to be leaving them in a subtle manner. As I thumbed through
the different charts I noticed stocks trading at its peak and finally
showing some vulnerability, and on the other extreme I saw a few
stocks that had been in a channel near or at its lows, before finally
breaking down below those previous lows.

The industries that are popping up on the list the most are
semiconductor and oil-related companies. The rest is a mixed bag of
companies in various sectors. 

Here are 20 Stocks That Are Breaking Down.

Checkout Ryan's Blog at

My Lame Superpowers

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Some of us on Earth are endowed with special powers that most other humans do not enjoy. Some are remarkably strong. Others can sing with the voice of an angel. The senior management team at Goldman can make their hair fall out at will and, if faced with particularly grave danger, can shape-shift into terrifying forms so as to make predators flee.

I, too, have been blessed with special powers, but they aren't everything you might expect. I can't fly – – although, since I have no commute, I don't really need to do so. I don't have X-ray vision, although given the aesthetic constitution of most of Palo Alto's population, I'd just as soon be without it.

However, I am armed with these following powers. Ignore them at your peril:

+ Volume-Man: Do you have a pot of split-pea soup that you'd like stored in the fridge? Let me have one glance at its contents, and I can tell you precisely what storage container you need to use to hold that exact amount. I'm not kidding. I can look at any material (liquid or solid) in any peculiar container and instantly know what size storage jar, Pyrex, or Tupperware is called for. Once stored, the aforementioned substance is usually within a millimeter of the top of its new home. The kitchen is virtually the only room in the house where this superpower is useful.

+ Jiggling Eyeballs: I've mentioned this before, but newer Slopers may not be aware of this: I can jiggle my eyeballs at will. That is, I can make both eyeballs vibrate at a high rate of speed. I have, naturally, never observed this phenomenon, nor do I remember why it occurred to me as a child to give it a try and realize I was capable of this feat. In addition, I have found absolutely no application for this skill, except to really creep females out.

+ Captain Circadian: I need no clock. I can wake up in the middle of the night, and as a little game with myself, I'll guess what time it is……..I'm usually within a few minutes. I don't need an alarm clock, either; I'll wake up exactly when I've told myself to be awake. I guess the German part of me is really hung-up on time (and punctuality, for that matter), and this inner clock is personally handy, even though it hasn't saved any lives yet.

The one true superpower I've honed recently is my ability to analyze charts at a very high rate of speed. I can go through about 1,000 charts in 90 minutes or so, and a chunk of this time is simply waiting for each chart to load. This, I suppose, is the one ability I've been able to shape into some kind of livelihood. Otherwise…….if you need some vibrating eyeballs, drop me a line.


Day’s End

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Well, in spite of a lot of trades, I ended the day up with no change. And I mean it. Sometimes when folks say "no change", it simply means "a loss I can tolerate." But I'm serious. Zero change.

I did lighten up to some degree. I've gone from nearly 280 positions at the peak down to a mere 190 shorts right now, and – – still – – one long (FXE). I went through my charts as quickly as I could to trim out those I felt had a lot of "meat" on them and too much risk to hold onto. I've kind of had my fill this year of watching fat profits disappear in the face of rallies. That gets really, really old the third time you've gone through it.

I actually would have ended the day with a pretty OK profit were if not for meddling around with GLD. I went in and out of that sucker – both long and short – with nothing but losses to show for it. The lion's share of the loss was the fact that I entered today very short, and we gapped higher. I have no position in GLD right now (or GDX, for that matter).

I'm about 114% committed at this point, and about 20% of that is the FXE long. Tomorrow morning should be interesting, particularly with the retail sales report (RTH is the only big short position I have right now). Considering what a dynamite day I had yesterday, I'm fine with a flat day as a follow-up. All the same, seeing the QQQQ down 0.79% on the day and showing no profits on my almost-all-short portfolio is a disappointment.

The Symbol Extremes

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Dutch asked me which symbols had produced the best trading (and worst) results for me this year; it was an interesting question, and I did a query against my broker's database to determine the symbols. It's rather eye-opening! These rankings are by dollar amounts……..

Worst on LONG Side






Best on LONG Side






Worst on SHORT Side






Best on SHORT Side