One of the pitfalls of my style of trading is that I am always early for a trade. I have been writing for a while that I expect weakness around December 19-20. This has to do mainly with the liquidity flow or lack of it. The Fed is sucking away some US$ 20 billion on coming Wednesday (selling more T Bills) and that kind of stuff normally affects the stock price. But this was expected and known and I twitted my readers in the morning not to chase the rally. I told them that I expect weakness and when it comes I will go long. In fact about a week back I wrote that I expect SPX test around 1200 level before bouncing back. So here we are today.
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The Best of the Best Shorts
Is that a Light at the End of the Tunnel or a Yellow Candle?
Readers of my blog postings know from my "Dude" series that my thesis for the market has been that the market is going to fail on its reattempt to get above the weekly 78.6% retracement level, and that "failure" will signal the end the bear market bounce that the market has experienced since March 2009.