Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Autumnal Coupon

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Things have been going so well in the wonderful world of Slope Plus that I wanted to remind those of you who aren’t subscribed about its features and urge you to subscribe here. I haven’t done this since May, but I’ve created a coupon that chops $29.95 off the price (meaning you can just use it for a month for free, or if you like, just enjoy the discount off the already-discounted annual rate). Just type in the coupon code trickortreat on the subscription page.

An example of the kind of idea I offer up on Slope Plus is shown below, which was posted just a couple of days ago. In the old times, I would have just posted this for everyone, but frankly, whenever I have a really good idea, it goes up behind the pay wall. I was illustrating a fascinating analog going on with high-yield ETFs – in particular, HYG. (more…)

Short Setups Just In Case This Isn’t A False Top

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Here’s the list of bearish trade setups that I have been working with this week:

For those wanting to know, “trkPrice” was when I first started tracking it, “trk%” is the percentage change, and “trkDate” is the date I started tracking it at.

bearish list of trade setups 9-23-14

Be sure to checkout more of Ryan’s Swing-Trades at

BONUS from Tim: Because I’m a total sweetheart, I typed in the symbols for you if you want to cut ‘n’ paste. Here ya go: SHORTS. Feel free to sign up for Slope Plus now to thank me (I just made a new coupon: trickortreat – get yerself a free month).