In case you missed this subtle little character point, I really like shorting stuff. What breaks my heart is that I didn’t short the Euro and just stick with it for the past year. I was watching the triangle below for a long time, but when it broke beneath the triangle, I talked myself out of the trade since it had already gone down so far. Well, umm, it didn’t really matter, did it? Because when you’re dealing with monster-huge patterns, the power behind them can make the moves already in place to be immaterial. Try to remember this, and I’ll do the same.
Slope of Hope Blog Posts
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Way To Go Ace
As a quick followup to yesterday’s post, one individual aced the grease monkey test today and shorted for profits. Everyone else complained about the black color background of the oil charts. So, I have done my best to repaint the walls in pink, chartreuse, aubergine, and re’tailer blue.
Congrats Ace! You nailed it. Although they didn’t make it easy, grease sold off today once they were done with precision calibration for the Nat Gas news event (they are sooo related).
Catch you next Prince Spaghetti Day.