Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Better Be Wide Awake

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I look at my competition, and they’re putting out maybe one or two posts per WEEK. Yet if my most recent post is more than two hours old, I get nervous and guilty. I spoil you people. Honestly. But I need you as much as you need me, so at least we’ve developed a really unhealthy codependency. So we’ve got that going for us.


Our $21-trillion-in-debt federal “government” continues to ever-so-slow “normalize” their balance sheet. It’s kind of like watching Oprah’s weight chart. It went up really, really fast, but my God it’s coming down slowly. But it’s coming down nonetheless. Honey.

slopechart FR WALCL (more…)

The Misery Spread

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I was playing around with SlopeCharts (which, let’s face it, is about all I do with my time), and I pulled up the $MISERY index (definition: “an informal measure of the state of an economy generated by adding together its rate of inflation and its rate of unemployment.”) . I noticed how low it was, so just for fun, I overlaid it with the S&P 500 (more specifically, the SPY). I found their inverse correlation – – and in particular the historically gargantuan spread that exists between them now – – to be fascinating. Mean reversion, anyone?

slopechart MISERYSPY

Also, a handful of folks are still having some troubles with the new site (e.g. they keep getting thrown to the homepage, no matter what they do, etc.) Please, please, please – – I’m tellin’ ya – – just do a hard refresh of your browser’s cache. Honest. It has worked 100% of the time for those who have written me. Here’s that link again.

Play An Accordion: Go to Jail

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That’s the law.

OK, maybe not (unless you take all your legal counsel from bumper stickers). But there does seem to be one market law these days, which is that on those rare occasions when selling is allowed to take place, the S&P 500 shall go NO LOWER than its 200-day exponential moving average. Keep this mind if this goddamned equity market every stops going up every single day.
