Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Dow Solid & Shaky

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Below are the thirty stock charts (zoomed in to what I consider appropriate portions) of the Dow 30 Industrials. I have broken them into two groups: solid and shaky.

The “solid” ones basically look like Internet stocks from late 1999. Absolutely insane straight-up madness. Beyond belief. Just itching to be sold. And apparently unstoppable.

The “shaky” ones, which are in the minority, have already started breaking down. So here we go……….(symbols and names are in upper left of each)


Gartman: the final fade

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I was intrigued – – but not the least bit surprised – – to see this headline:


While Dennis claims that he’s throwing in the towel in order to work on his golf game, I strongly suspect the true reason is that these markets have become untradeable, except for the buy-AAPL-and-hold-forever technique, funded wholly by the Fed (thus, in turn, by the taxpayers of the year 2382).


Perfect Ten

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The stock market was at its highest level in the 13 billion year history of the universe just yesterday, but my 50 position all-shorts portfolio had 43 winners, 7 winners, and the breakdown of profits and losses was $12,451 on the plus side and $175 on the minus side. So I’d say that’s pretty goddamned good in this wretched, crooked, manipulated, fraudulent environment that Jerome Powell has created. May he burn in hell for all eternity! Times two!

With that happy note, I present to you my ten most profitable shorts:
