Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Slopefest V plus SPY Guessing Game! (by Market Sniper)

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SlopefestV!: The time rapidly approaches for the gathering of THE Tribe, Slopers from around the country and even beyond. Now scheduled for May 18 and 19, 2013 in Las Vegas (where else?). Come and meet with old friends and make new ones! Match up avatars and handles with REAL people!! I can guarantee you one thing in this life for certain, you will have a great time! With any luck, our gracious host, Mr. Tim Knight, will also join us. For those of you who have not met him in person, you are in for a treat. Though notoriously reclusive and a home body, perhaps he can be persuaded to get out of Palo Alto and join us for a rollicking good time.


Fear And Success In Trading (by Market Sniper)

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All of us are afraid of something. To say or think you are not afraid of anything is self delusion. Lack of fear is not bravery either. Bravery is being afraid and still following through and taking care of the task at hand.

There are two fears we must overcome to be successful traders as these two fears will hinder and handicap your ability to make money while trading markets. These fears can freeze you in your tracks. Not only will they hinder your abilities as a trader but but also handicap you in all other aspects of life as well.


Here It COMES! (by Market Sniper)

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Keeping fully in mind that NOBODY knows what happens next as well as the Zurich Major Axiom 4: On Forecasts..Human behavior cannot be predicted. Distrust anyone who claims to know the future, however dimly. Nobody has the foggiest notion of what will happen in the future. Nobody. Never lose sight of the possibility you have made a bad bet….I do recommend that you take a look at ALL the Zurich Axioms at your leisure. They can be found here.  

Or in the immortal words the great Yogi Berra: The future ain't what it used to be. That being said, making predictions is so much fun, I cannot resist doing it. I think predicting the future is hard wired into us as a specie. What we CAN do is take a look at probabilities about the future and attempt to come to some idea of what the higher and lower probabilities of what happens next to be. That is what I will attempt to do with this post. These are my views and observations.


Trading NADEX Binary Options (by Market Sniper)

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This is a follow up post to a post I did back on May 27,
2012 on the European binary options which is what I was trading at the time.
Here is a link to that post. . Since then, I also started trading binaries on
the NADEX (North American Derivatives Exchange) and have shut down my
trading of binaries through European binary brokers. The counter party risk in
continuing to trade through European brokers I feel is unacceptable.
Unfortunately, at this time, you must be a resident of the United States to
trade on the NADEX.


Trading In The Matrix (by Market Sniper)

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Most are familiar with the movie series The Matrix in which reality was totally divorced from perception. I believe we are faced with the same situation when we, as traders, engage the markets now.

Formerly  relatively free markets have been replaced by The Matrix. Markets that, over a long period of time, reacted to fundamentals and over shorter periods of time reacted to supply and demand factors no longer exist. All of that has been replaced by The Matrix leading some to even question the validity of technical analysis.

Does it not seem that what used to work fairly well no longer does? Or works so sporadically as to call the usefulness of what we used to do into question? Does volume matter with the advent of dark pool trading and high frequency trading  (HFT) machines? Does it seem that things no longer trend well at all? When you do identify a trend, it tends to end abruptly? Seeing a lot of chart patterns that used to work well fail more consistently than leading to the next technical  expectation as to direction?
