Recent Lessons

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One of my watch lists is called Recent, and within it I house interesting and relatively young stocks (less than two years in the public) markets. I’ve plucked seven of these out of the list and wanted to share a few words about each chart.

The first chart is a good example of how dangerous is can be to buy a stock with an otherwise bullish formation in the context of a bear market. This was shaping up as a perfectly valid right triangle bullish pattern, but take note that (a) the pattern never completed (b) it did a bit of damage to its supporting trendline. I say again, it’s all about context. It’s tough for an otherwise bullish stock to succeed when the atmosphere is poisoned


The End of Excess

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If you are driving all day long with a friend, and there’s nothing but blue sky and straight roads ahead, your conversation will probably wander to all kinds of topics. Perhaps you’ll listen to some music or news together. Maybe you’ll tell a funny story or share some thoughts about something going on in the world. It’s a good way to pass the time.

On the other hand, during the same trip, if you hit a huge patch of ice and start spinning around, putting you and your companion at risk of slamming into ongoing traffic of tumbling down a cliff, the priorities are going to change in a big hurry. You’re not going to be chit-chatting and laughing. You’re going to be focused on the emergency at hand and trying to save your life. Searching the FM radio dial for a good station simply isn’t going to occur to anyone.


More On!

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The bulls just won’t give up, will they? Every little piece of news they can twist and distort into some reason for their pathetic “pivot” wishes does the trick. This morning, jobless claims shot higher, so the bulls ran out screeching and buying up stocks. It’s pathetic. This market is going to get destroyed, and these nimrods just won’t stop buying, buying, and buying. It’s their only skill. Me? I went even more short.


Pre-Sentence Memorandum

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Tomorrow, Friday, November 18th, 2022, is literally judgement day for Elizabeth Holmes, the world-famous founder of Theranos. Although her fall from grace took vastly longer than, let’s say, Samuel Bankman-Fried’s, it was sensational enough to warrant books and movies. I can’t imagine how nervous she must be at this very moment. She lives about ten miles from where I do.

I’ve taken a glance or two at the sentencing memorandum her lawyers submitted to the judge who will decide her sentence (if any), and I wanted to share some thoughts before tomorrow when the news comes out. I am not sure precisely what time of day the news hits, but it’ll be sometime during the court’s business hours here on the west coast.
