View: slopechart_$DOGE.jpg


Dog don't get walked much if he ain't going up 300% a week I guess. Rock and a hard place, or in this case how about caught between a pennant bottom and a Sandune's crypto-fun-time-fib. Maybe not a koe ink eee dink that the 50 day is hanging out here too. 

Cuz RNeo mentioned the doggo. 

Happy Sunday!!! 

P.S. One of the boys over at /cryptocurrency brought up the fact that the 2000 superbowl was packed with Dotcom ads, kinda like how crypto is about to represent in the present day superbowl. We know how that ended. 

P.S.S. Whether you believe in fibs or not, this sucker recently spent 12 days trading on a silly ass line I drew about a year ago. I find that highly amusing.

Image added via SlopeCharts


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