Economic Database

The SlopeCharts economic database provides access to an amazing amount of economic data (literally hundreds of thousands of items) that in some cases go back hundreds of years. This feature is available only to Platinum users. You can upgrade your membership to get immediate access by clicking here.

If you would like to watch a video about this feature, click here.

There is an astonishing breadth of data available, including TED spreads, 10s2s, and other data series which are just plain fun to look at, like the United Kingdom’s debt load back in the days of the United States Colonies (take THAT, King George!).

Using the economic database is very simple, and there are two ways to get to the information. The most common is via the Tools menu in SlopeCharts. Choose the Economic Database from there:


That brings up a dialog box with two tabs – one for Categories and one for a Custom Search.

{Click the next tab at the top of the page to learn more}