The Great Deformation
Simply stated, this is the best business book I've ever read. Written by Sloper David Stockman, it addresses the political and corporate dealings which have, over the past several decades, put us in the mess we're in. I cannot recommend it highly enough. I also would direct your attention toward the superb Contra Corner, a five-times-a-week essay Mr. Stockman writes, and to which I am a delighted paying subscriber.
Big Debt Crisis
Ray Dalio, the famed money manager from Bridgewater, has come out with a new three-volume set which I realize this isn’t the kind of thing that would grab most people’s attention, but honestly, it’s fascinating. It is packed with hundreds of historical charts and dozens of examples from other centuries and other countries where economic mayhem took hold. Since I believe the entire globe is heading toward something catastrophic……….forewarned is forearmed
The Fourth Turning
Over the past five centuries, Anglo-American society has entered a new era – a turning – every two decades or so….Together the four turnings of the saeculum comprise history's seasonal rhythm of growth, maturation, entropy, and destruction. This book lays it out and predicts about what is to come.
Currency Wars
Excellent and easy-to-read volume about fiat devaluation and how countries use it for both positive and negative motives. This is far and away the best book I've ever read about currencies, and the way he weaves history into the text makes it fascinating.
The Big Short
An absolutely superb account of the mortgage bond meltdown of 2007-2008. Michael Lewis has written another can't-put-it-down bestseller. Now a major motion picture!
Art of the Trade
Unlike anything I've ever read; very philosophical, very subtle - - almost sublime - - it helps you get inside the mind of a winning trader.
The Patterning Instinct
One of the best books I’ve ever read. I cannot recommend it strongly enough. It delves into Western Philosophy, Eastern Philosophy, ethics, science, history, religion, racism, the exploitation of man, ecology, international relations, the age of the explorers…………it is a smorgasbord of information woven together into a volume which is educational, inspiring, and sobering.
Fooled by Randomness
Nassim Taleb's superb book about statistics, causality, probabilities, and the market. This is one of the best books related to trading I've ever encountered.
Trading in the Zone
A terrific guide to trading discipline......almost zen-like.
Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns
In this revised and expanded second edition of the bestselling Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns, Thomas Bulkowski updates the classic with new performance statistics for both bull and bear markets and 23 new patterns, including a second section devoted to ten event patterns. Bulkowski tells you how to trade the significant events -- such as quarterly earnings announcements, retail sales, stock upgrades and downgrades -- that shape today?s trading and uses statistics to back up his approach.
Technical Analysis of Stock Trends
The Bible of technical analysis. A must-read. Its advanced age its evident from its old-timey charts, but every technician must read this book.
Education of a Speculator
A provocative and penetrating look into the mind, the soul, and the strategies of one of the most controversial traders of all time
Market Wizards
A can't-put-down collection of interviews with traders. Essential reading and full of fascinating profiles. I used to work for one of these "wizards", but that's a story in itself.