International Equities

As you have probably divined by now, SlopeCharts has a large slate of countries represented. Indeed, we have stocks from about 75 different global exchanges for your examination. This feature is exclusively for Gold and Platinum folks There are two ways to access them. One is to use the dropdown in the Tools menu.


Choosing this brings up a dialog box that lets you choose which of the many international exchanges to use and what symbol you would like. Those of you acquainted with international stocks know that they often don’t follow the good old American (USA! USA!) standards with obvious tickers like AAPL, IBM, GOOGL, SNAP, and so on. The symbols can be downright strange. Be that as it may, you can enter whatever strange symbols is required in the symbol box.


You can also type in the symbol directly using a <symbol>.<exchange code> format. For example, if I wanted the Toronto-Dominion Bank (symbol TD) from the Toronto exchange (symbol TO) I could just enter TD.TO, and voila:

slopechart TD TO

Here is the long list of exchanges and their corresponding codes:

Athens Exchange AT
Australia Exchange AU
Berlin Exchange BE
Bolsa de Valores de Lima LIM
Bombay Exchange BSE
Borsa Italiana MI
Borsa Italiana Certificates ETLX
Bucharest Stock Exchange RO
Budapest Stock Exchange BUD
Buenos Aires Exchange BA
Canadian Securities Exchange CN
Chilean Stock Exchange SN
Colombo Stock Exchange CM
Copenhagen Exchange CO
Dusseldorf Exchange DU
Euronext Amsterdam AS
Euronext Brussels BR
Euronext Lisbon LS
Euronext Paris PA
Europe Fund Virtual Exchange EUFUND
First North Denmark NFN
Frankfurt Exchange F
Hamburg Exchange HM
Hanover Exchange HA
Helsinki Exchange HE
Hong Kong Exchange HK
Iceland Exchange IC
Irish Exchange IR
Istanbul Stock Exchange IS
Jakarta Exchange JK
Johannesburg Exchange JSE
Karachi Stock Exchange KAR
Korea Stock Exchange KO
Kuala Lumpur Exchange KLSE
London Exchange LSE
London IL IL
Luxembourg Stock Exchange LU
Madrid Exchange MC
Mexican Exchange MX
MICEX Moscow Russia MCX
Munich Exchange MU
Nasdaq Baltic NB
NEO Exchange NEO
NSE (India) NSE
Oslo Stock Exchange OL
Philippine Stock Exchange PSE
Riga Exchange RG
Sao Paolo Exchange SA
Saudi Arabia Exchange SR
Shanghai Exchange SHG
Shenzhen Exchange SHE
Singapore Exchange SG
SIX Swiss Exchange SW
Stockholm Exchange ST
Stuttgart Exchange STU
Swiss Exchange VX
Taiwan Exchange TW
Taiwan OTC Exchange TWO
Tallinn Exchange TL
Tel Aviv Exchange TA
Thailand Exchange BK
Toronto Exchange TO
TSX Venture Exchange V
Vienna Exchange VI
Vietnam Stocks VN
Vilnius Exchange VS
Warsaw Stock Exchange WAR
Zagreb Stock Exchange ZSE