User: Violet: Miners: slopechart_GLD.jpg


GLD on solid support. 
I could be wrong but it looks like this 165 level will hold.

Image added via SlopeCharts


Joe JusticeJoe Justice
You'd be better of playing "paper" gold or silver instead of actual gold or silver. The same thing is likely going to happen as what just happened. "Physical" is going to lead the rally in "paper" which is a bearish sign for the longer term. Still, ticker SLV has maybe 15% upside for eggzample, but ticker EXK will have 30%+. So play paper for any and all coming "deadcat bounces" in the precious metals. The future is a deflationary spiral. Why "run for the hills!" when you are lugging a heavy load of shiny and heavy rocks. We already kno fo sho toilet paper will be MUCH more valuable when the Zombies actually show the dummass golden silverbugs are expecting. I may well call the bottom in EXK but right now ticker FCX looks like it will offer a cheaper long trade. All commodities are going to #DeadcatBounce starting either today (if stonks don't completely implode with a VIX breakout) or next week. 6/18/21