Users: EWcub: GLD.png



This is good work sir. 
I like it. Most will not understand it so expect them to criticize it. Great idea! 4/14/18
The Lone PostmanThe Lone Postman
So explain it to us Deplorable's! 4/14/18
They don't get much more deplorable than me. I'm not sure exactly what he's doing but the quality I look for is very low propagation delay. Most conventional indicators have several bars of delay meaning an appreciable amount of a move has already occurred before the indicator starts to show it. Also, strength is apparent when you see price riding above the confluence (or below for shorts). Price in the middle of the whole mess is a non - trending or choppy condition. That info helps to determine if the market is in a trending phase or a cycling mode. Research that stuff, learn it and you will start making money in the market otherwise you will flounder and that can go on for years. I enjoy helping folks who don't have a jackass attitude. 4/14/18
you understand pretty much FoamRanger :-) Everything I try to do is to determine respective trend with as low delay as possible. 4/15/18
Thanks for sharing! 4/15/18