User: Brian Ripley: CAD Economy

Canadian IT Skills
Canadian IT Skills
Only around a third of workers have more advanced cognitive skills that enable them to evaluate problems and find...
Brian Ripley
Student Pimping
Student Pimping
The chart shows the number of students pimping themselves out to pay for education, room and board in some selecte...
Brian Ripley
Manufacturing wages in Canada, USA & Mexico
Manufacturing wages in Canada, USA & Mexico
Manufacturing wages measured in USD since the gloom of 2009 in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico. More at
Brian Ripley
Oil Stock Inventory
Oil Stock Inventory
Videos included: Grim expense report: Alberta's debt soars to $10.9 billion AND The Grand Opening of the Tesla Gig...
Brian Ripley
Big Oil Net Debt to Equity
Big Oil Net Debt to Equity
"Some of the world’s largest energy companies are saddled with their highest debt levels ever as they struggle w...
Brian Ripley
Savings Rate, Retail Sales & Home Ownership
Savings Rate, Retail Sales & Home Ownership
Did we (Canadians) import a Boom? As the mashup of charts demonstrates, Canadians have gone all in on the consumption...
Brian Ripley
Commodities 1980-2016 & High Yield Defaults
Commodities 1980-2016 & High Yield Defaults
The top panel in the mashup above is the Thomson Reuters Commodity Index chart since the 1980's provided by Kimble...
Brian Ripley
Oil & Gas Reserves % of Loans
Oil & Gas Reserves % of Loans
I suspect Canada's "information regime" is going to change abruptly if it has not not already. Loans officers are...
Brian Ripley
Business Investment
Business Investment
"... for 2015 is depressing enough—but as the chart shows, Canada’s poor private investment performance in 201...
Brian Ripley
High Yield Distress
High Yield Distress
​In other words, what was until a year ago a purely "energy" phenomenon is now an "everything" phenomenon, despi...
Brian Ripley
Credit Default Cycles
Credit Default Cycles
The top panel shows U.S. non-financial corporate debt to GDP at levels where credit defaults start hitting the fro...
Brian Ripley
$35 Dollar Oil Stress Test
$35 Dollar Oil Stress Test
Imagine $35 Oil for 5yrs A US-Style Canadian housing correction possibility is a potential that CMHC's CEO Evan S...
Brian Ripley
GDP Growth Rate of Canada, U.S. & Japan
GDP Growth Rate of Canada, U.S. & Japan
The chart shows the GDP growth rate in Canada, the U.S. and Japan since before the 2009 Pit of Gloom to 3Q 2015...
Brian Ripley
Canadian Credit to Sept 2015
Canadian Credit to Sept 2015
In Canada average earnings are under pressure and credit creation is stalled. More charts at
Brian Ripley
ISDS Growth since 1987
ISDS Growth since 1987
Who will benefit from the Trans-Pacific Partnership? "The troubling, explosive growth of such cases point to a li...
Brian Ripley
Canada underperforms the OECD
Canada underperforms the OECD
The Bloomberg piece does suggest that current economic policy (in Canada) in the last decade has been, if anything...
Brian Ripley
MIT Inflation Rate
MIT Inflation Rate
Here are a few charts tracking inflation data. Since the 1980's inflation highs in Canada, the U.S., Germany and J...
Brian Ripley
Ratio of Bank Credit to GDP since 1870
Ratio of Bank Credit to GDP since 1870
"The negative feedback loop of falling stocks in a world of extremely tepid global demand might just make the craz...
Brian Ripley
Full time employment in Canada plunged in the last month as the global commodity crash continues to plumb new lows...
Brian Ripley
Canadian Export-Import Prices, Corporate Profits, GDP & Savings Rate
Canadian Export-Import Prices, Corporate Profits, GDP & Savings Rate
“There is no sugar coating this one, it's a sour result” said BMO chief economist Douglas Porter. Canadian Pre...
Brian Ripley
Canadian Percentage Employment Rate Chart
Canadian Percentage Employment Rate Chart
New Chart. Canadian Employment Rate ( employment/population ratio) - Canadians are becoming less employed especial...
Brian Ripley
Canadian Housing Starts 1955 to NOW
Canadian Housing Starts 1955 to NOW
New Chart: Canadian Household Debt, GDP, Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of Trade ITEM: Canada is the fifth...
Brian Ripley
Canadian Home Ownership & Balance of Trade
Canadian Home Ownership & Balance of Trade
Still Running on Fumes We are leveraging the lowest priced credit for the most expensive non-productive real esta...
Brian Ripley
CPI Inflation US+Canada 2008-2015
CPI Inflation US+Canada 2008-2015
The USD/CAD ratio has turned up this past week. A strong U.S. Dollar will mute U.S. inflation since domiciled U.S....
Brian Ripley
10 Yr Bonds & USD May 2015
10 Yr Bonds & USD May 2015
"Liquidity is the most under appreciated risk factor out there. We've seen the bond market reprice to an understandin...
Brian Ripley
U.S. sectoral financial flows add up to zero.
U.S. sectoral financial flows add up to zero.
Balanced Budget Bluster Joe Oliver presented the delayed Canadian Government's budget yesterday and touted it as...
Brian Ripley
Alberta SWF compared to Norway 1981-2011
Alberta SWF compared to Norway 1981-2011
This Bird Has Flown Alberta's so called "progressive" conservative governments; 7 consecutive iterations since 19...
Brian Ripley
The link goes to a 30 year chart that compares Alberta's Energy Fund to Norway's. My apologies if you have seen this post before, but I'm trying to figure out if my...
HISTORY & READINGS at Brian Ripley's Canadian Housing Price Char...
The link goes to a 30 year chart that compares Alberta's Energy Fund to Norway's. My apologies if you have seen th...
Brian Ripley
Y/Y Global Growth in Energy Products
Y/Y Global Growth in Energy Products
There are several reasons why lower crude oil prices so far seem to have failed to stimulate demand. Those include...
Brian Ripley
Canadian Trade Balance January 2015
Canadian Trade Balance January 2015
Dollar Depreciation Canada Edition - 4 of the last 6 months of Canadian trade balances have been negative. Big...
Brian Ripley
Debt to Income Ratio
Debt to Income Ratio
There are 3 charts on this page. The top panel shows Canadian Government Spending vs Labour Force Participation an...
Brian Ripley
Top 25 Proved Natural Gas Reserves
Top 25 Proved Natural Gas Reserves
Beijing is already massively investing in new roads and bridges along the Eurasian land bridge – another denominat...
Brian Ripley
Cheapest building lot on the west side of Vancouver Dec 2014
Cheapest building lot on the west side of Vancouver Dec 2014
For some reason the Slope app will not pick up the first image on this post of the 3 panel chart showing lending t...
Brian Ripley
Part Time Canadian Workers
Part Time Canadian Workers
The jump in low-skill entrants to Canada comes at the same time that preliminary estimates show a decline in the t...
Brian Ripley
Temporary Foreign Workers & Offshoring
Temporary Foreign Workers & Offshoring
Businesses are running out of (good) jobs to outsource, but we can still outsource the crappy ones eh! By 2016...
Brian Ripley
EuroLand Deflation Sept 2014 Data
EuroLand Deflation Sept 2014 Data
I noticed on my Twitter feed a chart on the Eurozone members' inflation rates and lack thereof. Almost half the me...
Brian Ripley
CMHC Mortgage Creation to 2016
CMHC Mortgage Creation to 2016
Post WW2 and 1970's inflation, Canada has been late to the party and the ongoing Canadian mortgage creation boom r...
Brian Ripley
Percent of total bank lending 1928-2007
Percent of total bank lending 1928-2007
U.S. mortgage loans in banks’ total lending portfolios have doubled from about 30% in 1900 to about 60% today....
Brian Ripley
Size matters but fundamentally overpriced housing in Canadian metros is being fueled by planners thinking in small...
Brian Ripley
Intentional Communities Notice in the upper chart of Canadian Disposable Income that "Economic Families" have t...
Brian Ripley
Canada’s poorest 10% of the population saw their net worth drop some 150% since 2005. They have an average net w...
Brian Ripley
What could disrupt the boom? The disrupters are innovation (Elon Musk etal), a rising supply of energy (U.S. fracking...
Brian Ripley
The main driver of the 2005-09 surge in the BDI was linked to commodity prices, particularly oil. The index then p...
Brian Ripley
Demand is Local, Supply is Global. As the USD strengthens, the U.S. consumer inflation rate continues to drift dow...
Brian Ripley
Oil Can Economics Canadian Oil Production UP 12% Y/Y at Dec 2013 - 3,822,000 Barrels per day U.S. Production (2...
Brian Ripley
U.S. Dollar Strength From the early 1990's to the early 2000's, the USD/CAD was trending up and increasing Canadia...
Brian Ripley
Canadian exports are not booming, there is a global slowdown in demand for commodities, finished products and serv...
Brian Ripley
Canada's Minister of Finance suddenly resigned earlier this week. The government's major fiscal policy plank is to...
Brian Ripley
Canadian Dollar Inflation - A falling $CAD relative to the $USD unit is going keep Canadian exports to the U.S. at...
Brian Ripley
The Class Divide - Consumer confidence depends on where you live, what you are employed at, the availability of go...
Brian Ripley
Lookout Suburbia - I noticed a tweet today from Two myths about the Ukrainian conflict reminding us...
Brian Ripley
The chart mashup shows the difference in labour unit cost between Canada and the U.S. in the top panel and the ste...
Brian Ripley
The sample price drop building reminded me of New York where the term "jonesing" is said to have originated and th...
Brian Ripley
Government Debt to GDP is curving down and that is not occurring because we are a successful export country. Nope....
Brian Ripley
Canadian Consumer Debt Zoomed 9% Y/Y in 2013 according to Equifax as reported by CBC News today in advance of Mini...
Brian Ripley
The Current Account is the sum of the balance of trade (exports minus imports of goods and services), net factor i...
Brian Ripley
In Canada, Productivity is the real value of output produced by a unit of labor during a certain time. It is used...
Brian Ripley
In Canada services account for more than 70% of GDP. Within services the most important are: Finance, insurance, r...
Brian Ripley
The Wall Street Journal: "Canada an Emerging Market? Yes, for U.S. Oil Exports". Light crude imported into Canada...
Brian Ripley
The problem is not that prices drop but that the debt used to chase the prices up does not decline with the price....
Brian Ripley
"Organizations don't hire the army of entry-level labour they use to and have fewer layers in the corporate hierarchy...
Brian Ripley
What, me worry? Messieurs Poloz, Flaherty, Carney, Bernanke and Madame Yellen et al are all on the record warning...
Brian Ripley
IMAGINE... ...if we stopped competing with low wage producers and turned our attention to our own failing institution...
Brian Ripley
Look at a long term chart of the comparison between Canadian and U.S. Treasury 10 year yields and they move in the...
Brian Ripley
This 4-chart mashup (5 charts in total actually) looks at Canadians (households and business) continuing to vigorousl...
Brian Ripley
Euro Deflation
Euro Deflation
This chart mashup shows the Euro Zone experiencing sudden price deflation since 2012 along with negative momentum...
Brian Ripley
Beveridge Curve 2000-2013
Beveridge Curve 2000-2013
This chart mashup shows the Beveridge Curve which is the inverse relationship between the unemployment rate and th...
Brian Ripley
BMO Rate Forecast
BMO Rate Forecast
BMO Capital Markets Economic Research released their North American Outlook (Nov 13, 2013) which included a foreca...
Brian Ripley
Commodity Dependence
Commodity Dependence
With prices drifting steadily lower since the spring of 2011, it seems safe to conclude that commodities are not g...
Brian Ripley
Good Time to Rent
Good Time to Rent
Timing is Everything. Now that we are on the seasonal down ramp into the 2014 spring bottom for sales and listings...
Brian Ripley
Share of Wealth
Share of Wealth
"We're in California, isn't there a better way of doing that?" Elon Musk. The bottom 50% of most national populations...
Brian Ripley
Wealth Change
Wealth Change
The October 2013 Credit Suisse Global Wealth Databook contains lots of comparitive charts on recent national and g...
Brian Ripley
Stocks & Housing
Stocks & Housing
We have lot's of "Eiffel Tower" price patterns to refer to that have a fully formed right side to the tower; Japan...
Brian Ripley
Debt & Sales Momentum
Debt & Sales Momentum
MIRAGE MARKET: Canadians did not see that the housing bubble was over in 2Q 2010. The last 3+ years have been a gi...
Brian Ripley
Labour Force Participation
Labour Force Participation
Labour Force Participation Rates are higher in Canada than the U.S. although notice the descending trend and as re...
Brian Ripley
Construction as % of GDP
Construction as % of GDP
According to a report from BMO Capital Markets, residential and non-residential construction accounts for 13.4% of...
Brian Ripley
CPI 1814-2013
CPI 1814-2013
U.S. Dollar & Wage Trend - Inflationists are still waiting for a big surge in prices and while they might be determin...
Brian Ripley
"In all, six of 10 Canadian provinces lost workers with Quebec's 30,400 setback the deepest fall-off." " does...
Brian Ripley
Unemployment Ticks Up, Canada's jobless rate now 7.2% "Under this scenario (of low job gains), it should be expect...
Brian Ripley
The U.S. so called Housing Recovery is mislabeled and perhaps is more an example of Capital leverage over Labour....
Brian Ripley
In Canada, more women than men work at part time jobs (+/- twice as many) and both older men and women (45 years a...
Brian Ripley
GDP growth at March 31/13. All 4 developed economies have the same degree of slope down. If the housing inflationists...
Brian Ripley
Average Canadians Work 30.4 hours per week, but if you work just 2 more hrs/wk in the Canadian Energy Sector Province...
Brian Ripley
Thanks to Pacifica Partners Inc. we have an update on their chart series showing that Canadians have hit a heavy c...
Brian Ripley
Monetary Zirpitude Update - Canadian current account balance as a percent of GDP provides an indication on the lev...
Brian Ripley
Bank of Canada: "The balance of opinion regarding the demand for credit from financial institutions was negative d...
Brian Ripley
"...the Canadian consumer remains the main hope for the economy. It is an odd situation where both government and...
Brian Ripley
Just released Canadian Budget; Flaherty, Harper & friends "... plan to leverage billions in spending on military equipment into making Canada an arms exporter." The...
Canadian Budget -
Just released Canadian Budget; Flaherty, Harper & friends "... plan to leverage billions in spending on military e...
Brian Ripley
The current animal spirits are still feeding off of debt and Canada continues to be a leader in leveraging it. Canadian credit market debt is now 165% of disposable...
Serial Markets Update -
The current animal spirits are still feeding off of debt and Canada continues to be a leader in leveraging it. Can...
Brian Ripley
Said the Canadian Finance Minister Mr. Jim Flaherty to the question: “How much of a kick are we going to take on the revenue side because of lower nominal GDP? Si...
Canadian GDP Update -
Said the Canadian Finance Minister Mr. Jim Flaherty to the question: “How much of a kick are we going to take on...
Brian Ripley
Let's check in with Stats Can and see how the inflation-deflation picture is shaping up (red arrows since 2008). M...
Brian Ripley