Install Bookmarklet

In order to best share things you find online, install the SocialTrade bookmarklet. You can click the bookmarklet while viewing any page you want to share, and a SocialTrade will help add the page or chart to one of your Stacks.

To install: In order to install the bookmarklet, just drag it to your bookmarks bar.

Once you install the bookmarklet, you can begin navigating the web and adding items to your stacks. You can store images, charts, articles and pages. And by tagging the things you store, you can build either a private or a public collection for future reference. 

The specifics of installing the bookmarklet depend on your browser: 

For Chrome

1. Click the Wrench icon, then select BookMarks - Show Bookmarks Bar 
2. Drag-and-drop the SocialTrade button onto your Bookmarks Bar
For Firefox
1. Click View - Toolbars - and check Bookmarks Bar 
2. Drag-and-drop the SocialTrade button onto your Bookmarks Bar
For Internet Explorer 9
1. Right-click the space near your tabs 
2. Select "Favorites Bar," to display your Favorites Bar 
3. Right-click the SocialTrade button on the orientation page 
4. Select "Add to Favorites" 
5. On the pop-up window, select "Create in: Favorites Bar"
For Internet Explorer 7 and 8
1. Click View - Toolbars - Favorites Bar 
2. Right-click the SocialTrade button and select "Add to Favorites" 
3. On the pop-up window, select "Create in: Favorites Bar"
1. Click View - Show Bookmarks Bar 
2. Drag-and-drop the SocialTrade button onto the Bookmarks Bar