User: robkid: Scary: Globalists Gas Game Theory…….EP End-Game by BDI | Slope of Hope

Globalists Gas Game Theory…….EP End-Game by BDI | Slope of Hope

Well, my fellow Slope-a-Dopes, as you know, I’m not even supposed to be here. Alas, the ominous geopolitical developments unfolding before our very eyes have the idiot insanely infatuated. The Savant must once again sound off, as he simply can’t help himself when his cerebrum is suddenly spinning a spontaneous scene of super sensational surrealism.

Like many on da Slope, as well as those who used to be with us, I clearly have a very hard time reconciling a U.S. stock market making new all-time-highs almost daily, especially in the face of what most economists consider to be a weak domestic economy with negligible growth prospects.  Moreover, when you layover the thoroughly stalled and certainly weaker overall global economic picture, it’s even harder to rationalize.  Finally, throw into the mix the gravity of threatening geopolitical tensions between the U.S. and Russia, the two nations with the largest stockpiles of tactical nuclear weapons on earth, and the market actually welcomes it.  Something majorly does not add up, well, to this Idiot anyways.

I know, I know, I know the economy is not the stock market.  What are you some kind of an idiot BDI!  But, let’s be honest with each other, the listed companies on the exchanges that make up the market in aggregate, do in fact represent the country’s economic condition at large. Therefore, if the overall economy has poor growth prospects, it surely stands to reason that the equity values which intrinsically measure the future earnings of those companies, should in point of fact reflect that future weakness. Yet, we continue to achieve new highs almost daily?  Some will tell you that it’s not so much the underlying value of the companies that is driving the market to new highs, but rather the Fed QE policy, printing ever free flowing funds which relentlessly increase financial asset values as the currency is consistently devalued, causing higher and higher prices. Well, if that were truly the case, wouldn’t rabid inflation be upon us in a general way, and thus reflected in all things cash buys?  The debased money still seems to be holding its value against certain other goods?  Not to mention that CPI is only around a 1% (rolls eyes).  Still others will tell you that it’s the astounding technology advances of our times driving the productivity gains which are behind these sensational stock valuations.  This I can buy into somewhat for several market sectors, at least where increased margins are concerned, but not across the board.  Moreover, during the past several quarters overall revenues have slowed, which has clearly been reflected in softer earnings growth for the majority of companies.  Yet remarkably, the market continues making new highs, seeing nothing but clear skies above and continued smooth sailing ahead.  Call me a stubborn Savant, but this idiot remains increasingly skeptical.  I mean really, all time highs with little to no median income growth and nearly 60 million Americans permanently on food stamps.  What gives?

If one dares to make the unfathomable hair-brained assumption that the market is quite possibly not reflecting and perhaps even blatantly misrepresenting economic reality, what can really be going on here? What’s really driving the ballistic buying binge?  I realize that the momos and trendos among us don’t give a damn, as they continue to rake in coin via a market seemingly tailor made to reward their systematic approach to trading, almost as if it were specifically designed to entice and encourage their fabulous feeding frenzy. Who’s-your-daddy, that seems reason enough to satisfy them. The quizzical BDI, on the other hand, requires real rational answers to feel grounded in humanity, otherwise he is driven mad in search of meaning. What is really behind this seemingly illegitimate, and laughably ludicrous levitation?  Well, your suspicious Savant has an entirely spectacular answer for you all, which may well identify what is really operating behind the scenes.  Brace yourselves, if it’s even remotely accurate, it is truly terrifying.

Behold BDI’s bold brash belief or bogus bloviated buffoonery:

Most of us will acknowledge that an International Banking Cabal is in full control of the major Central Banks which orchestrate the current monetary order that the globe’s financial system runs on.  Moreover, you would have been living under a rock to have not noticed that, ever since the financial crisis of 2008, the political authorities leading the developed Nation’s of the world’s are now willfully subservient to their respective central banks which in turn take their marching orders form the TBTF multinational banks which own them.  The cabal’s overriding self serving interests are paramount to us all apparently. Yet, this avaricious international banking cartel has no allegiance other then unto itself.

Astonishingly, even the once revered ideal of national sovereignty itself has seemingly had its wings effectively clipped by this elite banking class.  Perhaps the most obvious example of the abject subjugation, is the European Union, with its ECB imposed EURO hand cuffs firmly casting an iron grip around previously magnificent autonomous nations such as Italy and Spain, rendering them to a sad sorry state of subordinate EU foot stools.  How thoroughly we have permitted the self seeking interests of those privileged few closest to the powerful money levers control our collective destiny.  I dare say, many of you here seem to have acquiesced, and now actually welcome the money pushers. Beware my friends, as the pusher soon owns the junkie!

BDI genuinely believes that there may well exist self appointed elites running the deep state, acting as digital demigod’s directing our deferential dependency and deliberate dollar’s demise, nefariously orchestrating a bold and grand master program to complete the outright capture of our entire monetary existence.  It’s the Savant’s contention, that all of this supposed tumult on the ground in Ukraine, is none other than globalist inspired destabilization of the world’s sovereign Nation states designed to open the door for an IMF backed SDR new world monetary order, with the intent of establishing total financial hegemony over the world and all its natural resources, including those that are human.

These depraved puppet masters already have the European nation states right where they want them via their EU/ECB headlock strangle hold. They have rendered China entirely dependent on a debt driven export / low wage economic growth model, as they have done with all the BRICS.  They have destabilized MENA to disembowel OPEC. The next two chess pieces to fall will first be the once mighty Russian queen, followed by the indisputable king USA. The last move is to undermine the United States’ Petro dollar reserve currency supremacy. This final checkmate will be achieved by initiating a disastrous energy war.  They require a raging resource war to destabilize the USD. The current covert NGO manufactured and fomented riots in Kiev’s Maiden square, pitting Ukraine against Russia, is simply another carefully crafted conflict. They tried with Iraq and failed, they tried with Iran and failed, they tried with Libya and failed, they tried with Syria and failed, now they are desperately trying with Ukraine.  The American people could quite possibly fall for this last scheme. The MSM has certainly been working overtime to paint that Putinator prick as a dreadfully dangerous despot intent on world domination. The well publicized and most timely defection of RT network news anchor woman Liz Wahl, surely was induced by deep state operatives so as to sway reluctant U.S. public opinion towards war.   Pay attention America, the international bankers want war, same as it ever was.

The following piece written by Brandon Smith provides provocative historical evidence of the int’l banks’ lust for war:

With the exception of a few revolutions, most wars are instigated and controlled by financial elites, manipulating governments on both sides of the game to produce a preconceived result. The rise of National Socialism in Germany, for instance, was largely funded by corporate entities based in the U.S., including Rockefeller giant Standard Oil, JPMorgan and even IBM, which built the collating machines specifically used to organize Nazi extermination camps, the same machines IBM representatives serviced on site at places like Auschwitz. As a public figure, Adolf Hitler was considered a joke by most people in German society, until, of course, the Nazi Party received incredible levels of corporate investment. This aid was most evident in what came to be known as the Keppler Fund created through the Keppler Circle, a group of interests with contacts largely based in the U.S. George W. Bush’s grandfather, Prescott Bush, used his position as director of the New York-based Union Banking Corporation to launder money for the Third Reich throughout the war. After being exposed and charged for trading with the enemy, the case against Bush magically disappeared in a puff of smoke, and the Bush family went on to become one of the most powerful political forces in America. Without the aid of international conglomerates and banks, the Third Reich would have never risen to power. The rise of communism in Russia through the Bolshevik Revolution was no different. As outlined in Professor Antony Sutton’s book Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution with vast detail and irrefutable supporting evidence, it was globalist financiers that created the social petri dish in which the communist takeover flourished.  The same financiers that aided the Nazis… The two sides, National Socialism and communism, were essentially identical despotic governmental structures conjured by the same group of elites. These two sides, these two fraudulent ideologies, were then pitted against each other in an engineered conflict that we now call World War II, resulting in an estimated 48 million casualties globally and the ultimate formation of the United Nations, a precursor to world government. Every major international crisis for the past century or more has ended with an even greater consolidation of world power into the hands of the few, and this is no accident.

The same cunning crafty cabal has synthetically pumped the U.S. Stock and Bond markets to precariously unstable new all time highs, under very dubious circumstances.  Could this have been orchestrated to create the most horrific horrendous havoc possible once the plug is pulled on all USD denominated financial assets?  The devastating simultaneous detonation of both the U.S. debt and equity markets ultra bubbles would decimate the USD and what was left of the public’s faith in the U.S. financial markets. This is how the Idiot Savant suspects it will all go down. Once the globalist successfully provoke a major resource war, the oil market will shoot straight through the roof, interest rates will spike, and a US stock market crash of epic proportion will ensue.  After the dreadfully disastrous devastating dollar fall out, the entire world will be on its knees begging and pleading for a NWO with an IMF/BIS/WBG sponsored global SDR currency regime to reset the globe’s malicious monetary mayhem meltdown mess. The Banksters will have us eating out of their filthy hands.  The masterful maniacal mission mercilessly accomplished.

Got Gold?

The Grateful Dead song Truckin comes to mind. The USA is being set up like a bowling pin.

Sitting and staring out of the hotel windowGot a tip they’re gonna kick the door in againLike to get some sleep before I travelBut if you got a warrant I guess you’re gonna come in

Busted down on Bourbon StreetSet up like a bowling pinKnocked down, it gets to wearing thinThey just won’t let you be

BDI from the 47th with electrodes taped to his boobs, wishing he were high as a kite. Although, the last thing this EP needs is a further altered state of mind blowing inspiration.


gee Wallygee Wally
I wholeheartedly agree. Another book that helps explain it is, "The Grand Chessboard: U.S. Supremacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives" by Zibiegnew Bryzinski; written in 1998. He makes it clear why America was not only the first global superpower but also the last. The Great Currency Reset is coming along with the major moves for the natural resources. Peace to you my Slope-A- 
Dope brother. 3/30/14