View: slopechart_GME.jpg


Hysterical Preservation Society Archive Submission: GME 

3 years and we are almost back to where it all began. 

That red line goes back to the 2006 (former) all time high. 

I haven't wasted 45 minutes of my life over there in Superstonk/Wallstreetbets in a while until today. Had to go take a peek. 

EDIT: I think I slapped that channel on there about 2 years back. Too lazy to move it. Feel free to mock me.

Image added via SlopeCharts


It looks 'like a young Yellen'  
There was a newer participant around here briefly that went after me a couple years back for suggesting GME was going back to where it started. They only commented around here for a few weeks. I wonder what happened to her. She did leave what appeared to be intelligent comments. 
Eh well, I tried. 1/13/24