View: Bail Outs & Bond Fires..........Evil Plan 15.0 - Slope Of Hope wit...

Bail Outs & Bond Fires..........Evil Plan 15.0 - Slope Of Hope wit...

Evil Plan 15.0........... 
Bail Outs & Bond Fires


What wrong with this picture? 

As Rome burns, these high finance wizards are crafting plans to bailout insolvent banks using bankrupt sovereign funds, which will be collateralized with Italian bonds backed by further austerity measures.  Sure looks like the man on the street is ready to pitch in, and do his part to help resolve the problem ..........

Yeah, that should work!........Wonder how EUR/USD will open Sunday night?   Flash Crash 2.0 anyone?

Let them eat cake!..........Evil Plan 15.0

    BDI SOH's Idiot Savant


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