Popular - Today: TD Charts on Thinkorswim platform May 20 2017.png

TD Charts on Thinkorswim platform May 20 2017.png


Prophet Charts did the disappearing act on my Thinkorswim TD Ameritrade platform. I managed to replicate my work on the TD[?] Charts now on the platform. I like...still tweaking settings but basically, I'm pleased so far!!! 5/20/17
I'm having fun with these charts. Oh my! If I move my cursor over any single study in the window it highlights that study. Very nice indeed! Now I have to play with drawing tools and see if they are up to snuff... 5/20/17
Awesome drawing tools! snap to feature and my Fibonacci drawi9ng tools are spot on as is. Impressive. I like! 5/20/17
I don't get it, I still have prophet charts in my TOS platform, although I did say the workspaces just in case! Maybe it's because I'm running Win7 don't rightly know... 5/21/17
I'm in Canada on a gratuitous pass from TD Waterhouse/ Direct Investing with my Tax Free Savings Account in Canada. I could send $20,000 to open an American account but I prefer my TFSA for most of my trading. Hey, it's tax free and allows options for leverage on my short term trading. Converting winnings in U.S. dollars back to CAD gives an extra boost as well 5/21/17
I'm curious if you log out of Think then the next time you log in, loooong update and POOF, dey be GHANDI MAN!! that's what happened to me... 5/21/17