Users: InflationBomb: CaspianX2 comments on ELI5: What exactly is Obamacare and what did it change?

CaspianX2 comments on ELI5: What exactly is Obamacare and what did...

Elementary answers on Obamacare

A friendly place to ask questions and get elementary school-level answers, without fear of judgement. Appropriate for questions about current events, history, politics, culture and more.

The Five-Year-Old's Guide to the Galaxy,A collection of the greatest explanations from this subreddit. Comment here to suggest additions.


No bias. Discussion of politics and other controversial topics is allowed and often necessary, but try to remain textbook-level fair to all sides, for both questions and answers. No blatant speculation. It's okay not to be the world's foremost expert on a subject, but if you have little knowledge on the question at hand, don't guess. Cite sources whenever possible. Again, please refrain from wild speculation. A good answer is one that is well-written, thought out. Search first. Use the handy search bar to see if your question has already been answered satisfactorily. If the question has been asked but you don't understand any answers, feel free to ask again.


Please begin your titles with "LI5" or "ELI5" if you are looking for an explanation.

If you are not looking for an explanation but making some other post relevant to this subreddit, do not use "LI5" or "ELI5".

Be specific with your questions. Topics are also encouraged, (e.g. LI5: The Credit Crisis), but please try to be specific in your followup description.

Keep your answers simple! We're shooting for elementary-school age answers. But -- ** please, no arguments about what an "actual five year old" would know or ask!** We're all about simple answers to complicated questions. Use your best judgment and stay within the spirit of the subreddit.

Above all, be polite, respectful, and try to engage in meaningful conversation. Humor is allowed and encouraged, but try to keep it on-topic. Trolls and other dumb behavior will be removed.


r/askscience, a great place for detailed science answers

r/asksocialscience, modeled on askscience, a place for detailed answers for the social sciences

r/askreddit, ask the Reddit community anything at all

r/answers, a great place to find higher-level answers

/r/learnmath, a great place to ask any math-related questions.

Simple Wikipedia, a simpler version of Wikipedia

Stuff You Should Know, an fantastic podcast that explains numerous topics in a simple, humorous manner

Khan Academy, a great website full of simple, easy-to-understand information

Skeptoid, a great podcast that debunks and explains pseudoscience and myths in a simple manner

"The Office" Explains LI5!

We're still very new and we very much want your input! Please message the moderators below with any suggestions for more rules/guidelines.


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