Users: Strawberry Blonde: Federal Reserve Bullhorns... Step Up NOW! | Notes From the Rabbit Hole

Federal Reserve Bullhorns... Step Up NOW! | Notes From the Rabbit Hole

You have the stage today, so step up and call the stock market what it is.  Look, they are trying to bull the thing again simply because some bad economic data implies that you people are a bunch hot air bags looking to keep asset bubbles inflated.

Step the hell up and put a lid on that.  You, Bernanke, get some balls and step up too.  This is your FrankenMarket come home to be fed.  It thinks it will be fed by your Fed in an open ended way.  You must show the market who is boss you, you… you autocratic, bureaucratic policy making wonk you.

The market is rallying on bad news, feasting on what is bad for America.  This is your FrankenMarket dear leaders.  Have some balls.  You too, Janet.

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