Date: March 2014: wmt.png


WMT: Wal-mart Head Shoulders Top prices are falling so is your stock.


Jesterx - Stop Losses Rule!Jesterx - Stop Losses Rule!
last head and shoulders patterns did not work too well . 
Remember in a bull market, head and and shoulders patterns in uptrends are continueation patterns, YES! its true, not many technical traders know or understand this, but however there are not many good technical analysts around these days anyway. 3/26/14
Not sure what H&S your talking about everyone that I have ever posted has worked out well for me or still working ;) these set ups have rules you must play by with stops. Last recent few that have triggered have been HLF SYMC PETM. A lot more topping out. Walmart breaks 72.50 its toast if you short up here then better risk reward with a stop around 76.00 3/26/14
GM next to fall hard. 3/26/14
It's kind of interesting, because I would normally agree with Jester, but I have been seeing a lot of these H&S patterns actually break down, thanks to Mike, so it means something is changing in the market as these are now tops. It is rare, as most of the time the market is trending/consolidating, not topping/bottoming, but these breakdowns must mean the character is changing. 3/27/14
I think GM will be one of those that won't break down from its pattern, but we'll see. 3/27/14