Date: June 2024: slopechart_CASY.jpg


$CASY at bat... it's a home run! 17%

Image added via SlopeCharts


Casey's General Stores reported Q4 sales of $3.60B, beating estimates with EPS of $2.34, exceeding consensus of $1.72. 
Casey's General Stores announced a 16% dividend increase to $0.50/share and plans to add at least 100 new stores in FY25. 2 weeks 4 days ago
What is Casey's general store? 2 weeks 4 days ago
Our bookkeeper (her husband died of cancer) married the number two guy at Casey's, who then became the number one guy at Casey's, now deceased. If you open the dictionary to the word 'Lady', her picture is there. We've seen her at church from time to time still. Her son worked in our maintenance department, and has his own electrical company now. She and another local gal found me one of my best employees. What a team we had !!! 2 weeks 4 days ago
@juangrande A Casey's general store is similar to a 7-11 or a Quick Trip. Sells gasoline, alcohol, and other general supplies,as well as an OK Pizza for around $10. I think they are mostly in the midwest. 2 weeks 4 days ago