View: slopechart_$BTC.jpg


Ah the weekend, chart spam time for aspiring TA nerds: 


I'd like to thank Tim for the rainbow. If nothing else it has shown me that channels need not be straight, and I am beginning to think maybe none of them should be straight. Bitcoin boinging around in a 3 color band of the experimental rainbow, which I think is pretty neat. Radial Channels maybe? 

Anecdotal: When crypto goes up it GOES UP. This ain't goin' up. Nobody is playing. $52k - $40k trading range if you are a believer.

Image added via SlopeCharts


Tim KnightTim Knight
@sandunes I've got a post waiting in the wings on this topic that you'll like. It's pretty ghey. 12/18/21
NOICE!!! 12/18/21