Browse Symbol Stacks: GME: slopechart_GME.jpg



50+ afterhours. 

Meow meow posted up his position again on Reddit two hours ago.  

Has not sold anything. 

Half a billion unrealized at the time of this post.

Image added via SlopeCharts


Baby BearBaby Bear
soon: billionaire kitty fighting for the small guys 
right 6/6/24
There is a lesson here for Slope perhaps. If /superstonk has it right this was the edge of the century.  
It also at this point, I think, qualifies as a good 'ole fashion corner. Several million people involved so we probably need a new name for it.  
Hat tip to Sniper. I would love to have had his 2 cents for all this. 6/6/24
Pays yer money and tag along. That’s what you can do. Just like every other trading vehicle. 
Still curious who sold him so many calls. . . 6/6/24