Browse Symbol Stacks: HAPPYXMAS: 2018-12-19_5-58-23.jpg (890×445)

2018-12-19_5-58-23.jpg (890×445)

Thanks @TK 
Comment of the day "will everyone FINALLY submit that there will be no santa rally this year?"


If you're a bull with a 1-month or less time frame, a dovish Fed may be good news. Longer than that, not so much. 12/19/18
C'mon, Tim - - chart needed to include Feb low.... 12/19/18
Unless you're simply pointing out that Fed watchers are themselves just following the stock market... 12/19/18
If those fedsters do not raise today, they're idiots. one rate change now isn't going to throw the usa into the economic abyss tomorrow; but they might need that rate in 12 to 24 months to reduce by if the slowdown increases. 12/19/18