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Symbol Stacks
IEF - on support with possible turn-around doji.
utilities vs bonds
A deflationary yield curve steepener
Deflation scare upcoming in 2023 IMO. Yield curve indicates the first impulse. Linked post explains.
Inflation Expectations | Notes From the Rabbit Hole
So we have a booming jobs report... and the bond market's inflation signaling is not buying it.
u.s. treasury yield rises after Fed raises rates (UST2Y)
Forget the hawking Fed, when the 2yr yield rolls over and does its thing to the yield curve, you'd better be ready...
'real' 10 year Treasury yield
If the 'real' 10yr yield turns down a tail wind for gold ensues.
Bonds continue to indicate contrarian potential – Notes From t...
Treasury bonds continue to indicate an oncoming contrarian play...
Does this look like inflation? – Notes From the Rabbit Hole
Does this look like inflation? I didn't think so.
Frankly this is scary - look I want my parents to live off their pension because I don't want them living with me!
The Pigs are not leading yields | Notes From the Rabbit Hole
The Pigs are negatively diverging long-term yields and that is important...
high yield credit spreads
Rising credit spreads not positive for economy (Captain Obvious).
The Fed is not directing the markets, but indicators like this a...
The Fed is not directing markets, but the 2yr yield and indicators like this (credit spreads) most assuredly are...
7-10 Year Treasury Bond ETF breakdown today
Glad I held on to my IEF puts yesterday, although they hit my stop loss level.
Short term T-Bond fund (7-10 yrs)
yield curve
No assurance that the yield curve steepener will remain inflationary. Nope, none at all.
Continuum to… Continue? | Notes From the Rabbit Hole
30yr yield is breaking a fl...
30 year treasury yield
The inflation is going to fail. The question is when?
5 year inflation rate
The inflation is going to fail. The question is when?
30yr 5yr yield curve
30yr-5yr yield curve did tw...
Stories from the bond market as the Yield Curve Steepens | Notes...
SPX finally cracks as TIP/TLT had foretold well before effing COVID effing 19. This is the lever.
Stories from the bond market as the Yield Curve Steepens | Notes...
Bonds are in full tank mode amid the deflationary rush by the herds... ha ha ha bring on the inflation.
yield curve
Yield curve steepens to highest point since the summer mini-inversion. Steepener currently deflationary, but can l...
spx and yield curve
Last summer the media got the public puking about the inverted yield curve. They puked the market too. Now, the MS...
yield curve
Will this condition hold to close the week? If it does and if the yield curve steepens, better have a plan for an...
2018's inflationary pressure gives way to 2019's deflationary pressure.
FOMC at Center Stage (NFTRH 530 excerpt) – Notes From the Rabbit Hole
Continuum back below the limiter and all is right with the world. Bond bears BANISHED. BBB...
If this is the "Big One" for stocks, we might see Treasury yields on both 10 and 30 year paper sporting handles th...
About That Bond Bear Market… – Notes From the Rabbit Hole
About that bond bear market... inflation expectations in the tank.
About That Bond Bear Market… – Notes From the Rabbit Hole
About that bond bear market... The Continuum back below the limiter...
About That Bond Bear Market… – Notes From the Rabbit Hole
About that bond bear market... herds running risk 'off' drives yields down, bonds up.
“Harbinger of Doom”: Amigo 3 in Play, But Real Doom Awaits...
Yield curve all over the news... DOOOOM!!! But it has not yet begun to steepen. Look elsewhere for doom right now...
A Brief Look at Earnings Season and a Measure of SPX Over Valuation...
Picture of SPX over valuation. SPX dividend yield of 1.92% vs. 10yr T note yielding 3.2%!
yield curve
Market bulls should be wary of the yield curve's slow grind this time as opposed to Feb's big spike (which was a b...
Given the reduced risk, I bought back 'cash equiv' SHY and IEI. Not interested in the longer end stuff until I ge...
T bond sentiment backdrop is improved from 3 weeks ago. Way over bullish Optimism Index back then.
Public in love with long-term Treasuries. Year ago, hated. T bonds are are short IMO. Over done.
Time for Banks to bounce? Could be because it's time for T Bonds to drop.
Yield curve drops again today w/ nominal yields rising. That implies risk still 'ON' and is theoretically not goo...
10 year...
Yield spread has been flattening for a week now, indicating a little burst of risk 'ON'.
Yield spreads continue to look to bottom, with the 2 year down hard and the 10 much less so. Today is a precious...
...Gold bugs need to be watching yield relationships closely. Further drop in long term yields vs. short term yie...
Long bond not overly concerned about interest rates rising on the long end...
A reminder - in the shadow of FOMC - that the 30 year yield is at a reversal point defined by decades. Expect mos...
10 year yield w/ a bullish pattern.
10 year targets 2.2% (ish) and 30 year 3.3% (ish). Pending today's ISM of course...
Gold had favored bounces in long term yields until the current cycle. Top panel shows that gold actually favors r...
Yield spreads continue to look constructive for further rise, regardless of whether nominal yields rise or drop. T...
BKX-SPX ratio not quite broken yet but could indicate a decline in yields (bounce in T bonds) if it does break dow...
Huey, Dooey & Louie are in the media jawboning 'TAPER' and yet the 10 year is in a bottom stance... hmmm
The rising yield on the long bond would normally indicate inflation, but this cycle the yield has been declining v...
Where is the bubble? In gold or in developed nations' ability and willingness to create credit/debt to meet every...
Interest rates are popping today and the banks love it. Surprised? ZIRP + rising yields = profit motive for the Pigs.
Say, isn't there some hype in the news about consumer confidence? Isn't consumer confidence tied to a new would-be...
Long term T bonds fund TLT breaks out of a bullish wedge, above support.
Gold has stopped following the yield curve... for now.
30 yr / 2 yr spread gently...
30yr/2yr spread & gold
Gold & 30 yr / 2 yr yield spread will get back in alignment.
Op/Twist has constrained Adjusted Money Supply by sanitizing bond monetization
Gold follows yield curve...
Do you think gold follows the yield spread? Do you think the yield spread is manip'd? You should because the man...
Long term T bonds out perform short term bonds... Op/Twist alive and well as Fed manip's the curve.
Long term T bonds are on a counter trend move. Expect TLT to get no higher than 127.50
Biiwii TA and Commentary: Another view of the long bond...
Another view of the long bond... which way will it break, into upward blowoff or back toward the inflation end of...
Biiwii TA and Commentary: No more room for yields to fall...
Chart says it all... yield continue to decline and everyone who reviled Prechter will be forced to recant.