Browse Symbol Stacks: NVDA: slopechart_NVDA.jpg


I think I saw Basselope asking about fib extensions. Apologies if I have the wrong sloper. I also couldn't tell if it was a sarcastic request or not. 

At any rate, here are the Sandunes approved "JESUSFREAKINCRISPYWHYARETRADINGCRYPTODUMBASS?!?!?!?" approved fibbanachoes. 

1738 up next, which would actually put P/E into what our current markets think is rational. -ish. 

2745 for bonkers, and 4376 for when the Joker blows up City hall. 

I vote to rename NASDAQ to The Buzz Lightyear Index (BLI).

Image added via SlopeCharts


Useful IdiotUseful Idiot
Oh no.,..! 
Not again ! 
@sandunes Thanks. I guess I was being semi-sarcastic. :) 5/28/24