Browse Symbol Stacks: $XTZ: slopechart_$XTZ.jpg


The alt coins continue to melt. 

Tezos by way of example. Depending on the crypto, this has been going on for up to 3 weeks. A gradual, agonizing, steady stream of lower lows. No headlines. Slow motion crash by crypto standards. 

Bitcoin and Eth continue to hold the line, more or less. 

I resolved to monitor these bad boys through the winter this time instead of jumping in late to the fun like last time. Have a chart.  

Happy Wednesday!

Image added via SlopeCharts


Tim KnightTim Knight
I figured there were probably some better pics out there now that some time went by!
The alts are all dead money at this point and ETH and BTC are buoyed as people rotate to their relative safety. Eventually they too will lose their supports but if history repeats the majors will start the next cycle, so they are probably a safe place to wait. 12/28/22
The DirectorThe Director
BTC will survive 12/28/22
Weagle BunnyWeagle Bunny
BTC will survive. ETH will survive. Many ETH L2 will power through as well. 
Liking what I'm seeing out of FTM lately. 12/28/22
@WeagleBunny I am curious about your opinion on the case for Dogecoin potentially being classified as a commodity along with Bitcoin by the S.E.C. Also the potential for Eth being classified as a security, if you have any thoughts. 12/28/22