Users: sandunes: slopechart_$DOGE.jpg


The Actual Doge 

Stuck smack dab in the middle of 9 and 22. There were horrific months long battles around this price in the past. (not shown) 

If the king gets an official ATH (very close at the time of this post, depending on what chart you view) I'd imagine 22 is on the table in short order. 

I mean, if you truly want to try and apply charts and some questionable logic, that is what I would say. 

Still HODL'n for the minute. (Emphasis on minute, I don't have the stamina for this shit.) 

Happy Monday!

Image added via SlopeCharts


The Vulcan Sloper akaGrinThe Vulcan Sloper akaGrin
I have 300 of them that I bought at $08 cents... for a goof. 3/4/24