Date: December 2012: Reality Check: Are calls for stricter gun laws really about guns - YouTube

Reality Check: Are calls for stricter gun laws really about guns -...

"In the eyes of the founders, you are the sovereign. You have rights that cannot be taken away." 

Excellent summation - worth your 3 minutes to view, as he encapsulates the debate very well at the end. It's not about gun-control, or any one specific issue or right: The debate that is raging in this country, and taking many different forms, is the right of the indivudual vs. the rights imposed/allowed by the collective, and shows why there are such strong feelings on all the subjects. It's not about abortion, or legal weed, or gun-control. It's about the right of the individual to make their own choices and decisions, regardless of the 'greater good' argument used to force them into doing things they don't want to.  

I want to drink gallon-jugs of Mountain Dew and carry a pistol with me when I travel in the city. And so long as I don't do any harm to anyone else in the process, it's none of Michael Bloomberg's god-damned business! 

This is the cruz of the debate, but it's being co-opted, confused, and di

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