Date: March 2013: Deepak Chopra- The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success - YouTube

Deepak Chopra- The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success - YouTube

The Seven Spiritual Laws are powerful principles you can use to fulfill your deepest desires with effortless joy. If you put them into practice, you'll realize that you can manifest whatever you've been dreaming about.

The Seven Spiritual Laws are powerful principles you can use to fulfill your deepest desires with effortless joy. If you put them into practice, you'll realize that you can manifest whatever you've been dreaming about.


Brian RipleyBrian Ripley
Deepak Chopra makes a living from selling ideas not based on fact. A 5 minute snippit of a debate with him here (youtube does have the full debate). If you find yourself dreaming about flying, I suggest you close any nearby windows. Cheers, BR 3/7/13
Booboo, Degrowth Defined →Booboo, Degrowth Defined →
I dream about falling (Markets), so I sleep near the floor. Thanks for the comment BR . 3/7/13
Brian RipleyBrian Ripley
Note to self: Add BooBoo's sleep technique to risk management toolbox. 3/8/13