
The Bitcoin crash continues... down 50% in 3 days.


Market SniperMarket Sniper
GOOD replacement for gold, right? roflmfao...fools and money are soon parted. Question remains. How did they get together in the first place (baring Lotto winners!)? 12/18/13
One hundred buck up from low now, someone took it. 
Should actually open AvaTrader FX account, they trade this via CFD certificates. 
The most entertainment & fun instrument exist in this planet. 12/18/13
Richard CraniumRichard Cranium
Bitcoin Crashes After China Bans New BTC Deposits; PBOC Gets DDOSed In Retaliation 12/18/13
And then when it finds a place to bounce ($450), it bounces up 27% ($575) in one hour. Sure to give you a heart attack whether you're long or short... 12/18/13