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20120728_woc683.png (595×332)

Change in government employees under various Presidents


This chart is a bit misleading since it includes state and local government employees, which the president has no control over. I don't have actual numbers in front of me, but i can be pretty sure all of the losses under Obama are state and local cut backs due to the current economic conditions. 7/27/12
It is a bit misleading for George W. He oversaw the creation of the TSA which added the tons of federal employees to the payroll. A good thing, most would say. 7/28/12
Adam GreenAdam Green
That's the first time I've heard of anyone saying the TSA is a good thing. 8/3/12
Adam GreenAdam Green
This chart says Obama dropped 600K red tape seat warmers during a depression and Bush #2 added 900K during bullish growth and defense spending. Not knowing exactly how many millions of US govt employees exist in one guise or agency or another, I'd call that a wash, 8/3/12