Source: kimblechartingsolutions: doc-copper-atttempting-to-break-20-year-rising-support-feb-6.jpg (1887×892)

doc-copper-atttempting-to-break-20-year-rising-support-feb-6.jpg (...


Useful IdiotUseful Idiot
Always love these graphs. 
IYHO, is any of relevant ? 
I ean, lately ,every time it seems they are cornered with a problem , "they ' find a new way opt of it. 
I don't know about you, but I fail a̳l̳o̳t̳.̳ 
I don't learn as fast as you or the others here so thanks for being patient............. 
Useful IdiotUseful Idiot
The beast numbers, via ean .......... 2/8/20