Source: doctorhousingbubble: household income

household income

But personal income growth is not part of the recovery, no matter what is happening in the stock markets or real estate.


But we are busy in construction. One of the main engines of GDP. 4/29/13
House of CardsHouse of Cards
Wolfie, I agree that what my own eyeballs see is an increase in new construction, new foundations, lumber deliveries, etc. And real estate sales seem to be faster, easier, less emphasis on getting a "bargain." It feels like a recovery, and I'm almost tempted to start drawing up plans for a new spec, but my adult part of my brain keeps telling me to just buy more apartments. 4/29/13
Can you say 'echo bubble'? I presume it will last as long as interest rates are artificially manipulated lower and somebody qualifies for a mortgage. It sure ain't gonna last forever. I would venture some places have probably seen the bottom, but will revisit it, as others make their way lower at some point in the future. 4/29/13