Date: February 2013: astro_w2gw_29_flash_crash_hp.83827.28398.gif



Can you explain this chart? Does it indicate a flash crash at some point? 2/27/13
I think I can answer this as I often read my horoscopes in the papers. At 1 oclock there is a bull like thing, which is opposite an m with an arrow at the end. Between these two is a red triangle (two in fact) and some blue lines. They indicate turmoil in financial markets and that it may snow next wednesday. At the west point of the compass is an " AC" which the red triangle nearly points at. This is an ominous sign for anyone with a birthday this year. Do not go out on that day and if you are forced to ( and you may be!) cover your head with a sheet of wood. The 69 on its side at 11 oclock indicates that the Mayans calendar was actually correct but the bloke who printed got the year wrong ...the end of the world will be this year. I will be burning my house to the ground along with all my worldly possessions on December 21st this year. If you would like more of my daily insights at an annual fee of only $2000 please subscribe at 2/27/13
I have nothing to do with the previous poster even though, bizarrely, we have the same nick-name. he is definitely not my elder brother. But i would like to commend his service and the $2000 a year I spend with him has made me a multi-millionaire many times over. I've now got a great big house away from the crap part of town and a 3 year old BMW in black with chrome wheels..all thanks to Eric...and I can confirm his parents are very proud of him. 2/27/13
Trader Girl, glitches often occur during Mercury Rx periods. The Flash Crash astrology of May 6 2010 was also notable for the two T-squares, and several outer planets in late degrees. 2/28/13