Restack of VIX.PNG added by Sanddollar.


Have to figure out how to post so the image enlarges when clicked on..any ideas? 6/14/12
Who could not only ignore this chart but rate it a 3 Star??? Look at it and where we are now ! 5 right on, dead to rights, no holds barred, absolutely correct Head and Shoulders. 8/16/12
Yes, that worked really well. How did you play this one? I'm sure you did well if you were expecting such a large drop? 8/17/12
I was not short fueling this rally. the other point I was making is look at the large H&S pattern all of the smaller H&S's make up. And regardless of why or how, if a chart is 100% correct, why rate it a 3? 8/17/12
Why rate it a 3? Well, VIX is a mean reverting index so of course it's going to go under 20 at some point when it's well above historical norms. The $1m question is how do you play that chart. If it's not actionable, it's just a nice picture. Hey man, I'm not trying to pick a fight. Keep posting and keep up the discussion. 8/17/12
Sorry, Geoff..I was being too direct and didn't mean to seem edgy, really I am not. I really was talking with you as I would someone I know as that is how it seems to go often on SOH. The chart was actually posted awhile back and is already below 14. 8/17/12