View: 20160923_EOD12[1].jpg


Hey I got a brilliant idea for you janet! 
Destroy the economy until growth expectations are about minus 50% so we can all enjoy the 5000 points S&P and the "wealth effect" associated 


1SexyStud→ → → "GOODTIME"1SexyStud→ → → "GOODTIME"
This week janet finally showed her potential.  
Interesting comments from her predecessors too. 
Can you understand anything that man says. 9/23/16
Silver SingularitySilver Singularity
The predecessor of her predecessor used to say "if you believe that you understood what I just say, that is because I didn't expressed myself the right way" 
Got tha message? 9/23/16
1SexyStud→ → → "GOODTIME"1SexyStud→ → → "GOODTIME"
Of course I'm not speaking about Ben! 9/23/16