Users: Rocket: fredgraph.png (700×718)

fredgraph.png (700×718)

Restack of fredgraph.png (700×718) added by Tim Knight.


What is the difference between this and Cuba? Only the degrees of severity and progression. Yes, we have a tyranny in Cuba. Yes, we have only one party in Cuba: Partido Communista de Cuba. Yes, it is a centralized economy. Yes, there is no protections of private property. etc. But think of the U.S. as a checklist of Cuba. Slowly but surely we are looking more like what we fought against. What we claimed to and some in the political class still claim we are fighting against.  
Guess what? I am willing to bet that this chart will continue to look like all communist countries where the wealth distribution is pooled in the political elite, and misery reins for the masses. We are on our way. By our own volition. That's the only difference. Wake up. Undoing the Fed or at the very least bringing back its original creation would be a world of difference for our economic freedoms. 7/7/21
Mr. WizardMr. Wizard
It keeps going up, ad infinitum, or, it breaks, often violently. 
Place your bets. 7/7/21
Nothing. Most people are one paycheck away from homelessness and destitution. I pass some every time I go out to the store. I can’t do anything for them. 7/8/21
“misery reins for the masses” — Freudian slip? 7/8/21
Hello Everyone,  
Need a quick suggestion with a troubled position here. I have a long put in COST 390/395, any hope for Costco to come down in next 45 days?  
Thanks 7/8/21
Tim KnightTim Knight
Get an avatar for people to take the question more seriously. Use your Profile to get a cool avatar. 7/8/21