Date: February 2014:

Forgive me, but this caught my attention today, so gonna get on my soapbox for a sec. Also, please avert your eyes from the image below if bad language offends you (even though it's blurred out"... I saw the photo below from a news story on the wealth disparity in our country/world today, and the graffiti artist was angry with wealthy folks. "!$#% the 1%". This is going to be a key feature in our world, as we are living in the one of the largest wealth disparities in the history of the world, but the anger is misdirect. If you are going to graffiti, atleast get your facts straight. There's nothing wrong with being rich, very rich, or even one of the richest people in the world. There is, however, something very wrong with stealing to get it. As with all things, gaining some understanding is the key to change. If you don't understand how your money works, don't expect to have very much of it, or for very long.  

When my grandparents were my age, the blessed nectar of Coca-Cola only cost a measily nickel, an


They're still working it: 
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Booboo, Degrowth Defined →Booboo, Degrowth Defined →
" Because the owners had locked the doors to the stairwells and exits – a common practice at the time to prevent pilferage and unauthorized breaks..." Triangle Fire Wiki 2/26/14
People do not realize most of the disparity is caused by the government. Its the the 1%, its that its hard for anyone from the 99% to move up. After Federal, State and Local taxes very little if any for investment. 2/26/14
Thinking about this right to discriminate against gays. My first reaction is to agree with you but, How is that different than the right to refuse service to black people and would you also support that. 2/26/14
There are cogent arguments against the Fed, but the 95% drop in the value of the dollar since 1913 is not one of them. Household incomes have increased 4,000% and the standard of living has incontrovertibly improved. Life expectancy in 1913 was 52 years. It is now 79 years. The poorest of the poor in this country has access to better health care, better food, more knowledge, and more opportunities than Rockefeller had in 1913. Capitalism has unleashed more opportunities for more people in this country over time, despite misguided monetary, fiscal, and regulatory policies. 2/26/14