Date: June 2016: 20160602_EOD3.jpg (964×499)

20160602_EOD3.jpg (964×499)

Small caps never more expensive (as if anyone cares)


exactly... like I said, market now is more like a religion, you just have to have FAITH and BTFD... logic is out of it... And yes, yes, I know you going to say one day the big crash comes... but then that's what they want you to play, the musical chair... and maybe that's why another reason volume has gone, because no body wants to play the fucking musical chair game... 6/2/16
Smartest play would be to just stay out until the Feb low breaks or ATH's break -- although ConvictScott's reasoning on risk/reward for a short here is pretty compelling as well. 6/2/16
Useful IdiotUseful Idiot
How much of the earnings is plowed back into the stock to reap at the best oppertunity ? 
That is assuming that the management is smart enough to use earnings for personal gain. 6/3/16