Date: February 2018: returns-1-e1517889339706.png (1452×1256)

returns-1-e1517889339706.png (1452×1256)

@TK, your plot dots seem to correlate, 'sort-of' with 'some' of the Central Banks  

I'll wager $3.2X million ButtCoin, with an ECU or Sterling bet. Any takers? @TK @MS? 

@MS "Wow that's like finding gold chips all around CA.  
AZ will be the next gold rush. WE are certain. 
'merica THE GREAT! Please take your gold metal detectors all around Phoenix. 169.99999999999 percent you'll find the Mother Load. 

Sir! You must 'play' a smaller wager?. 

WTF? Is that intentional? Perhaps the new FED channel or perhaps a nice game of tic-tac-toe: 

Sorry you criminals. NOT MY FORTE: 

Or perhaps a nice and truthful thought?: 
“Good is somebody who delivered and allowed the company to overcome obstacles, without leaving a profound impact on its culture. Great is somebody who leads his company to achievements and performance and value that nobody was expecting it had.” 
― Carlos Ghosn  

Greetings Prof. Falkens  
How would you like to play a games of chess? 

I've set up the Spoke three dimensions board


Exactly Tim , that is what Don was saying earlier today in his tweetstorm. 2/7/18
the very first modern gun control laws, were written by Adolph Hitler. 2/8/18